The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
Explanation of symbol no. 35
35.3  The kingdoms of the spiral cycle
The multicoloured staircase figure at the bottom of the symbol symbolises the kingdoms of a spiral cycle. We see that the lowest step is red. It symbolises the plant kingdom. The next step upwards is orange. It symbolises the animal kingdom. The third step, the yellow one, symbolises the finished human kingdom. The fourth step, the green one, symbolises the kingdom of wisdom. The next step, the blue one, symbolises the divine world. And the next step, the light indigo one, symbolises the kingdom of bliss, which constitutes the transition stage between the spiritual and physical world. This kingdom casts its reflection onto the physical plane as the mineral kingdom. And after this we come to a new spiral cycle's plant kingdom, which is followed by a new animal kingdom and this in turn by a real human kingdom and so on.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 35
The Cosmic Cycle of the Pole Principle