The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
38.27  Similarly the uppermost dotted line shows the connection to the third large step, which is the domicile of vegetarian food's sphere of pure fruit flesh, that is the highest and most divine food that exists. This is symbolised by the completely light yellow sun on this step, which at the same time symbolises the real or finished human kingdom. The digestion of pure fruit flesh is similarly symbolised by the light yellow area in the symbol of the life unit or the being that is symbolised in the top left corner of the symbol.
      We thus see here how the beings are transformed from the stage of the beast of prey to the finished, non-killing human being in God's image after his likeness. The symbol of the life unit up in the corner shows us what a colossal difference there is in the human being's method of nutrition when it eats vegetarian food and when it eats animal food. Since the animal life units must be killed by the assimilation of the animal food as nutrition in the organism of a living being, there is no denying that animal food turns its consumers or those that eat it into murderers or killers. It is here a patent fact that this diet can be intended absolutely only for the most primitive and unevolved beings in life and not for the human being who aspires to becoming God's image after his likeness by developing itself so as to love its neighbour as it loves itself. But there is no denying either that the three dietary spheres are each a vital necessity in God's creation of the human being in his image after his likeness. How could the beings attain knowledge of the very highest wisdom and universal love if they were not allowed to experience to a point of perfection the contrasts to universal love and wisdom? How could they experience this divine highest light if they did not have access to wandering in and living through the darkness? And how could people experience darkness and thereby know light if they, through the eating of the tree of knowledge, which thus means the experiencing of evil and good in daily life, were not initiated into what is evil and what is good, and did not thereby become experts in the knowledge of universal love and its content of the highest wisdom? How could they otherwise become one with God and be his very image or all-outshining manifestation? The road to light is neighbourly love, and everything in God's plan for creation agrees thus with the eternal words: "Everything is very good".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 38
The Human Being, and Animal and Vegetable Food