The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
38.25  The figure in the top left corner of the symbol symbolises the unfinished human being's relationship to the three dietary spheres described. The triangle symbolises, as we know, the being's I. The round violet area around the triangle or the I indicates the being's superconsciousness. The round area around the superconsciousness symbolises the being's physical body in the human being's three dietary spheres. In the large multicoloured area with the yellow, green and red life units the digestive process of the carnivorous being is symbolised. We see in the symbol how the yellow and green life units are distorted; this symbolises their death or ruin when digested as food in an organism. During this process of killing, the red life units, as previously mentioned, are freed, and they can now, on being freed, incarnate with their aura of force and spiritual state in the substance of the carnivores' organism as nourishment, thereby giving rise to the renewal or maintenance of this matter. From this animal process of digestion symbolised here a dotted line goes down to the lowest large step, indicated by the orange colour. This step symbolises the home of animal food, which means the animal kingdom, which is, as will be remembered, the domicile of all carnivorous beings.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 38
The Human Being, and Animal and Vegetable Food