The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
Explanation of symbol no. 34
34.22  Symbol no. 34 symbolises the great principles that work together in the act of copulation. The two large round figures with the outermost wide orange-coloured areas signify the living beings in their manifest polar state as male and female. This state constitutes the organic structure that they must have in order for the totally perfect act of copulation to take place. The figure on the left symbolises the male being, which is promoted by the masculine principle, while the figure on the right symbolises the female being, which is promoted by the feminine principle. The orange colour in the two figures here means only that the two beings are as yet unfinished and one-poled, and that their conduct is still more or less governed by the energy of gravity. We must here remember that the true manifestation zone of the act of copulation is the animal kingdom proper, but of course it extends far into the zone of evolution of unfinished human beings. The symbol indicates more or less the beings of this latter zone, as we can see from the other basic energies on the symbol, in particular the somewhat dominating display of the energy of feeling and the energy of intelligence. (Feeling is symbolised by the yellow colour and intelligence by the green colour.) In the pure animal the highest basic energies do not display themselves as dominantly as they do in the mature human being who is advanced in evolution, which the symbol here indicates. The white triangle and the violet area in the middle of the two figures symbolise the I and the superconsciousness of the two beings respectively. The round yellow area, as previously mentioned, is the beings' area of feeling, which is here shown on the enlarged scale that this has during a process of being in love, and which in reality is focused only on the object of this love – one's spouse or mate and one's offspring. The round green area, as previously mentioned, indicates the being's intelligence. The blue area indicates the being's intuition, just as the next area, the light indigo colour, indicates its memory. The large yellow rays that emanate from the two beings symbolise that they are engaged in an act of copulation.
      The round figure above symbolises a discarnated being that lives in the kingdom of memory or bliss – hence the indigo colour. The white triangle and the violet area indicate here too the being's I and superconsciousness. The red area is the being's energy of instinct. When this energy, unlike the other basic energies, is shown with its red colour, while the other energies in the being are shown with the colours of the kingdom of bliss, it is due to the fact that, as the being matures towards rebirth on the physical plane, the energy of instinct begins to awaken. It is the foundation for the automatic processes behind the talent kernels in the formation of the embryo and in later bodily functioning. The yellowish grey area around the being of bliss symbolises the mixed atmosphere of the copulatory aura of the being of bliss and the physical beings, which gives rise to the connection or contact of the being of bliss with the creation of the embryo in the womb.
      Between the two copulating beings in the symbol there is a partly ray-formed cross figure. It symbolises the climax of the act of copulation. From this figure's radiance an indigo-coloured, thread-like figure emanates and goes up around the being of bliss above, connecting this being with the female being in the act of copulation, and animating or possessing the embryonic material in the womb. And with this commences the creation of a new physical organism that gradually becomes the physical tool for the being incarnated therein for a new epoch of life in physical manifestation and experience of life.
      Here we have seen how divine the laws and principles of reincarnation or rebirth are. Here too we see that the principle of love is the keynote of the universe. We have seen that even in the middle of the animal kingdom where it is vitally important that the beings kill in order to live, and where absolutely no neighbourly love exists, rebirth is protected by virtue of an artificial act of love and the two guardian angels' or parents' urge to protect their offspring or the physically reborn spiritual being that became one with their flesh and blood. This loving principle of rebirth also holds true for lions, tigers and other beasts of prey as well as for people in the darkness or at the devil stage. God's spirit of love thus smoothes the path. Only people's own unfinished state sometimes makes this path of God more or less impassable and difficult for themselves. But the omnipotence of God will win. Everyone will inevitably become a human being in God's image after his likeness and thus become a being who reflects great glory on the eternal Father.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 34
The Act of Copulation or God's Spirit in the Darkness