The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
34.21  The guardian angels of the principle of reincarnation
The two physical copulatory beings through their act of copulation, which to a certain extent is an act of love, have not provided merely the physical conditions for the incarnation of a discarnated or spiritual being in physical matter – the being thus forming an organism for itself from this matter – but have also normally become guardian angels for this spiritual being, which is quite helpless on the physical plane while its physical organism is still frail, unfinished and not yet fully grown, and its mentality has not yet grown either to the normal level of maturity for the step in evolution that it has reached and where it belongs. We see here how everything is divinely arranged so that the discarnated being can come happily and well through the transition from the spiritual plane or the kingdom of bliss to the physical, material plane. Here, if dark karma does not intervene, it is normally received by a pair of loving guardian angels in the form of two parents who would not shrink from risking their own lives if it were a matter of defending the spiritual being that is now incarnated in a physical organism and appears as their offspring or child. The process of rebirth thus occurs in the eternal light from the radiant profusion of God's spirit. It shines through the copulatory beings during the act of copulation as an all-overwhelming feeling of satisfaction or sensual pleasure that infects or possesses the material of fertilisation to which they have given rise in the maternal organs so that they can get on to the same wavelength as the aura or radiance of the kingdom of bliss, and here create the possibility for granting the highest wish of the beings in this kingdom, that is to experience life and to manifest in the colourful, beautiful, sunlit, physical world of God's kingdom, which is given life by "the eternal spirit of God upon the face of the waters".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 34
The Act of Copulation or God's Spirit in the Darkness