The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.20  And with this, the last of the Godhead's veils has fallen, and we see that darkness, the so-called "evil", is not in any way whatsoever a persecution of God or people by a "devil", and is thus in the absolute sense not evil. It is true that it is unpleasant, but how could people attain the ability to experience something pleasant if something unpleasant did not exist through which it could be defined and perceived? Without contrasts there would be no sensing or experiencing of life. In the universe there is thus no darkness whatsoever that is not God's hand guiding the originator of this darkness towards the light, the hand with which the human being was created in God's image after his likeness. Without this hand there would be no creation, no living being, no universe. An eternal nothing would brood there where life today through the entire universe sings the praises of the eternal creator.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth