The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
34.20  The incarnation of the discarnated or spiritual being in physical matter
When the discarnated spirit of the unfinished being is to be reborn in a permanent physical body it can take place, as we have seen in the above, only with the co-operation of two physical beings. It is true that the principle of materialisation and dematerialisation does exist, a principle that allows a being to materialise itself temporarily or momentarily in a materialised physical body, thus revealing itself on the physical plane, but such a body has nothing to do with the present principle of reincarnation. The constitution of such a body is insufficient for the robust manifestation and way of being that the physical life of an unfinished human being entails. Not until a human being has completed its evolution and become a human being in God's image after his likeness will the principle of materialisation and dematerialisation replace the unfinished human being's present process of birth and death. In its unfinished state the physical being is subject to the universally known principle of birth and death, which is the foundation for the principle of reincarnation or the beings' alternating physical and spiritual existences.
      When a discarnated being is to be born in the physical world, this cannot occur, as previously mentioned, without the help of two one-poled physical beings of opposite sexes. We have seen that through these two beings' act of copulation, a physical preparation is made for a physical incarnation of a discarnated being, an incarnation that the being is quite unable to undertake on its own since it, as will be remembered, is in a spiritual state where it is excluded from any kind of juggling with physical matter. For this reason it must connect itself to the physical act of copulation of two beings, the blissful radiance of which has a wavelength that it can get on to, since it itself is a being of bliss. The energy of bliss radiating from the act of copulation and the created physical material of fertilisation, that is the sperm cell and the egg cell, thus constitute the first rudimentary materials for the creation of an organism, which the spiritual being could not possibly produce on its own. But by virtue of the energy of bliss enveloping the creation made by these copulatory beings, the spiritual being, with its energy of bliss, can unite and make contact with the copulating beings' energy of bliss. Since the spiritual being's energy of bliss has become one with the copulating beings' energy of bliss, it has a contributory influence on the initial formation of the embryo in the womb when the sperm cell and egg cell meet. From the moment that the sperm cell and the egg cell meet or make contact with one another in the womb, the discarnated being's influence alone gives life to this initial formation of an embryo. And so from this moment it is incarnated in a little rudimentary embryo, which has thereby become a rudimentary physical body for its spirit. Its influence along with that of the two copulatory beings' sets of hereditary factors working in the embryo now guide the embryo forward to the maturity that will qualify it to leave the womb and continue its development physically liberated from the female being's organism. Here the spiritual being that is now incarnated in the embryo begins to be able to experience the physical world, even if very faintly and without understanding what it is experiencing. Human offspring and those of the more highly developed animals are quite helpless for a certain time after birth. But normally this helpless offspring is protected and helped to find food by the two copulatory beings that we term its "parents". And normally under this protection the organism of the offspring that the discarnated being is now incarnated in grows to adulthood, where it is now governed entirely by the being's own talents or genetic material from its previous physical existence. The genetic material from the parents, to which it was connected through the aura of bliss and the sperm and egg cell, have long since played out their role as initiators of the formation of the being's physical embryo or organism. As mere rudiments they have now melted together with the spiritual being's own genetic material and talents that are incarnated in the organism, and that now form the entire basis for its physical appearance, its gifts, its morality and its way of being.
      The talent kernels contained in the copulatory beings' sperm cell and egg cell thus become the appropriate physical material for the spiritual or discarnated being to possess or incarnate in by virtue of its aura of bliss and the copulatory beings' corresponding aura of bliss; and the physical formation of the embryo or the further development can begin. Without this divine arrangement with the copulatory beings' production of the rudimentary physical material for the discarnated spirit, any form of rebirth of a spiritual being in a physical organism would be absolutely impossible. The unfinished spiritual being cannot manifest physical creation as long as it does not have a physical body. For how could this take place? A discarnated being cannot of course create physical sperm and egg cells, which inevitably constitute the created, rudimentary, physical material for the creation of a physical organism, without which the being could not possibly come into existence.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 34
The Act of Copulation or God's Spirit in the Darkness