The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
39.2  "Holy wrath", "righteous indignation"
As terrestrial human beings to a very great extent believe that the attitude of their fellow beings to spiritual problems is merely a question of will, and have therefore no inkling that in reality, as we have pointed out previously, it constitutes a question of evolution or talents, they very often speak offensively about each other's opinion of life or view of existence. Such beings will always labour under the delusion that their particular view of existence, their particular belief and ideals are the absolutely "one and only salvation", and, on the strength of this, will feel indignant towards such fellow beings whose nature, experiences and talents determine absolutely that they are either so far ahead or behind these beings in evolution that they absolutely cannot share the particular precepts of these beings or their belief in life, and are therefore bound to have a quite different view of life. In order to help terrestrial human beings combat this unfortunate indignation – which, in the form of intolerance disguised as "holy wrath", "righteous indignation" and so on, has in reality given rise to a lot of sorrow and suffering, and in its local nature is just as unjustified and meaningless as if one got it into one's head to be indignant towards people who are younger or older than oneself – we will now proceed to shed light upon terrestrial human being's various qualifications for being receptive to the new spiritual culture, and thereby help them to overcome this indignation, which is an absolutely indispensable condition for every seeker after truth who wants to attain "the great birth" and gain cosmic consciousness or become filled with the clear, divine visual power and sun-filled way of being of "the holy spirit".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 39
The Categories of Consciousness of Terrestrial Mankind