The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
38.2  Herbivorous and carnivorous animals
During the long process of evolution, the being has gone through three kinds of nutrition. As a plant life form it went through juice nutrition from the earth through its roots, and sun or light nutrition through its leaves. And from here it has evolved further so as to begin being able to nourish itself, as a carnivorous plant, with animal food. Here it evolves to be able to catch insects and to take nourishment from them with its organism, which has evolved for this purpose. From here it evolves further towards the animal stage, and must here during a certain period live on plant food, and during another period live on animal food. We call these two species of beings "herbivorous animals" and "carnivorous animals". The fact that the being goes through these two kinds of nutrition is based on an equalisation of fate from a previous epoch of evolution, and is likewise a necessity in this being's animal epoch of killing. So it means merely that the herbivorous animals will later become carnivorous, while the carnivorous animals will later become herbivorous. These two epochs of nutrition will be equalised or completed in that part of the animal kingdom where the beings constitute unfinished human beings.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 38
The Human Being, and Animal and Vegetable Food