The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.2  An automatic connection between God and the living being
The existence of a power higher than that of the human beings, a power behind the great manifestations of Nature, is not imagination or some chance idea or fantasy. This mental attitude to a higher power is an unshakeable characteristic that the being has deep within its innermost self, quite regardless of whether it has ever been told that such a power exists or not. Indeed, even in the animals one can trace this attitude to a higher power. Why does an animal cry when its life is in danger? The cry cannot be to its own race for help because as a rule they flee when mortal danger is present. The animal's cry of terror is thus in reality a cry to an unknown something for help in need. This is the first visible sign that a built-in organic structure exists that in this way binds the living being to an unknown something. This is also true of the human being. If an immovably convinced materialist or atheist who does not want to know anything about the existence of a God finds his life greatly threatened by need or torment, this organic structure of prayer will start working and the atheist will begin to cry to God, and perhaps even begin to pray. Why does he do this, he who previously has denied God with all his mind? Why does this situation arise in the atheist every time he gets into a serious, helpless situation? Is it not precisely because God cannot be absolutely or truly excluded from the being's consciousness? For this reason the animal cries, and the human being tries to pray.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth