The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
34.2  The superconsciousness, pole organs, basic energies, sensory organs and consciousness of the being
The major analyses contained in the previous volume of this work have thoroughly explained the fundamental significance of the spirit of God for all life in the universe, and how, as "the highest fire", it is life's very highest feeling of pleasure or bliss, and is therefore the all-penetrating organic force that promotes joy in living in the physical and mental organism of every single living being. It is thus the very highest fundamental element promoting life in existence or the universe. As previously mentioned in our analyses, the spirit of God is the seventh basic energy and is termed the mother energy. This energy is in turn permeated by an eternal desire for life, which we have termed the primordial desire. Through the mother energy this desire is split up into the six other basic or vital energies each having its talent kernel in the cosmic organic structure that we have termed the fate element, which, together with the being's main organs for the highest fire, its pole organs, forms the superconsciousness in the living being. Through the pole organs and special talent kernels the mother energy promotes the above-mentioned basic energies in the form of the energy of instinct, the energy of gravity, the energy of feeling, the energy of intelligence, the energy of intuition and the energy of memory or bliss. These basic energies each constitute a particular organ of consciousness. These organs together form the being's sensory faculty and consciousness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 34
The Act of Copulation or God's Spirit in the Darkness