The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.19  Behind this radiant profusion we see the cosmic planes of existence indicated by their various colours. At the bottom of the ray symbol on the right and left we see two yellow areas. They symbolise the real or finished "human kingdom". It is the first kingdom or plane of existence to which the being belongs after it has become a human being in God's image after his likeness and is liberated from physical existence.
      The green-coloured areas in the symbol symbolise the next cosmic or spiritual kingdom, "the kingdom of wisdom", which to a particular degree is the domicile or seat of the functions of intelligence based on universal love. The beings here live a life characterised by high-intellectual creation and the highest fire or the spirit of God in its purest form.
      The next cosmic kingdom after this is "the divine world" or the plane of intuition. It is indicated by the blue colour. This plane is the domicile of all the ideas or meanings behind all creations or manifestations. All the ideas or plans according to which all the forms and shapes of the living beings' organisms have come into existence have arisen here. This holds true of all manifestations and creations in all the substances of the basic energies, which in turn means, "mineral creation", "plant creation", "animal creation", "devil creation", and "human creation", the latter being the ultimate result of the process of creation, since the finished human being is in God's image after his likeness. And higher than this a creation cannot become. With the faculty of intuition the finished human being can directly experience the ideas or meanings behind all the manifestations of life. And with this faculty the being thus gains access to all the wisdom in the world, the solution to the mysteries of life and the experience of God. We have termed this state of experience "cosmic consciousness".
      After this we come to the next plane lying immediately above in the symbol. It is indicated by the light indigo colour. This is the domicile of the beings' faculty for recollection or memory. People's memory here on the physical plane is almost latent and will become completely latent in the next plane, after which it will then increase through "the kingdom of wisdom" and "the divine world" in order to culminate in a plane that we have termed "the kingdom of bliss". Here the being's outer cosmic consciousness has diminished. And the being's experience of life here is an experience of its entire previous existence, its many lives throughout the spiral cycle. Since all memories end as experiences of bliss, the existence that people experience here is thus also a divine, shining one. But it is thus the being's own inner existence. It no longer has experiences in the outer world or communication with the beings of this outer world. Its senses for experiencing the outer world and its beings are obsolete and degenerated, and the beings are therefore gradually becoming unconscious in this world. They have merely an automatic connection with this world, by virtue of which the being gradually is prepared for the beginnings of a life in the physical world of a new spiral cycle. But while this preparation is going on, the being thus lives in the flood of light or bliss of its memories in the spiral cycle that it is now leaving.
      Gradually the energies of light from "the kingdom of bliss" make contact with the energies of the physical plane, whereby the physical area that we call "the mineral kingdom" arises. From the mineral kingdom evolves "the plant kingdom", which is indicated by the red colour in the symbol. In the mineral kingdom the being still lives in the light of its memories. But gradually as its outer mineral state transforms itself into a vegetable state, the being begins to gain the very first feeble beginnings of sensing in the physical world. This first beginning is the same as what we call an "inkling" or "vague feeling". And from here the plant develops further towards the animal state, becomes an animal and later reaches the human stage of the new spiral, and so on continuously towards greater and greater heights, towards greater and greater spiral cycles through the Godhead's eternal light in time and space for all eternity.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth