The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.18  The skull and crossbones in the symbol symbolises thus the being's culmination in the form of devil-consciousness. But gradually the being overcomes this state of consciousness in favour of light or goodness, which then begins to increase as shown in the symbol, reading from left to right. We see here on the right in the white area, which symbolises the growth of light, a sign in the shape of a town with a radiance around it. It symbolises the way of being of absolute light, which the being has become an expert at through its reincarnation and experience of the culmination of darkness in the physical world.
      The being with such a capacity for the way of being of light, which is God's image, is symbolised by the last section on the right in the row of black and white sections at the bottom of the symbol, which symbolise the human being's stages of evolution. We see in the symbol that for this being there is open, direct, free access to the cosmic rays from the Godhead, which is symbolised by the triangle and the star at the top of the symbol.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth