The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.16  On the left in the black area in the symbol we see a skull and crossbones. This symbolises that the beings at these stages of evolution here live in spiritual darkness. The killing principle is here a vital necessity. To a great extent the beings have to maintain their existence by virtue of the killing principle, by virtue of war, murder and killing. Nature has endowed the animals with built-in organs of defence, which human beings do not have. But since the animal or dark nature is to develop as far as devil-consciousness or the culmination of darkness in the human being, and they therefore must also defend themselves against each other's culminating dark behaviour, they must have weapons or arms of quite another capacity or efficiency than that of the animals' in-built weapon capabilities. But even though people are not equipped with in-built organic or bodily tools for defence and attack, they are equipped with brains and abilities to build up a material combat-readiness alongside their physical organism with a murderous, killing and destructive capacity that is millions of times greater than that which the animals' in-built organs of combat can produce. As we already know from previous analyses, people were to develop precisely so as to have such a gigantic capacity to manifest darkness, because they were to experience the absolute culmination or highest manifestation of darkness, that is a darkness that far exceeds the animals' experience and manifestation of darkness. After the being has thus evolved out of the ape organism and into the first tentative human organism, it has embarked upon its final great epoch of evolution, the epoch in which it will be initiated into life's most profound darkness and culminate as a devil human, as an expert at proliferating everything evil: war, murder, killing, torture, mutilation, oppression and tyrannising of other peoples and races. The being absolutely could not attain such a huge capacity for producing death and suffering through the organic organs for combat and killing that are built into the organism. And if the being did not experience life's highest capacity for darkness how could it then get a correspondingly culminating capacity to experience life's highest and eternal light and thereby become the human being in God's image after his likeness?
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth