The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
34.16  Why discarnated beings are born to kindred beings of the same species
When the discarnated or spiritual being can connect itself to the act of copulation of the two copulatory beings through the combined process and functioning of the sperm cell and egg cell this is due to the fact that this process triggers an extraordinarily great emanation of a high spiritual energy of a particular quality. This high spiritual energy is felt as the climax of a feeling of satisfaction, sensual pleasure or bliss, and reveals itself to the advanced human being as the very spirit of God. The combined high charging of the copulatory beings' organs of fertilisation with the energy of bliss during the act of copulation is an object of attraction for discarnated beings that are ready for physical incarnation or rebirth. But here we have to understand that when children have the same characteristics or talents as their parents, these characteristics or talents are not inherited from the parents but are phenomena that were already more or less developed in the beings concerned in their previous lives on Earth. These characteristics or talents are thus absolutely their own inheritance and not something they get free of charge from their parents. And it is precisely this offspring's own inheritance from a previous existence that leads them to being connected more or less to parents with the same more or less related characteristics and talents. They thereby resemble their parents, are of the same species and race as them, and have the same kind of talents.
      In order to be attractive to discarnated beings, physical beings must thus be of the same species or race as the discarnated beings that they attract through the act of copulation and conception. The emanation of bliss from an act of copulation between, say, two dogs can normally be effective only in attracting discarnated dogs of the same species or a related one. The same principle naturally holds true for other animals and unfinished, one-poled human beings too. For this reason, human beings can give birth only to human babies, apes to ape babies, dogs to puppies and so on. But it is not merely the fact that the beings are of the same species or race that promotes the attraction between discarnated beings and physical copulatory beings. The attraction is also determined, as mentioned above, by the beings' similarity in the talent kernel area, that is, their talents, character and way of being.
      A set of absolutely microcosmic talent kernels for these characteristics of the being's consciousness is formed in the fertile beings. Such a set of micro-talent kernels are contained in the male being's and female being's material of fertilisation, that is, the sperm cell and the egg cell. These two cells contain micro-organs or talent kernels for the building up of a new physical organism for a living being when the conditions for this are established by the act of copulation of the two beings in question. These micro-talent kernels are contained in the so-called "chromosomes" and "genes", which form the concentrated talent kernel material for a new organism. When this talent kernel material from the sperm cell of the male comes into contact with the talent kernel material from the egg cell of the female in the womb, the process that we call embryogenesis (the formation and development of an embryo), which is the same as the beginning of the creation of a new physical organism, begins.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 34
The Act of Copulation or God's Spirit in the Darkness