The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.15  As we see in the symbol the being has not had any direct or complete access to experiencing for itself the eternal light at previous stages of evolution in the way that it does at the final stage furthest to the right in the row. At all the previous stages the being has been able to experience the eternal light only in a very veiled form. This veil is symbolised in the symbol by the framed black and white figure immediately above the symbol of the being's stages in evolution. The black area symbolises the darkness caused by the unfinished, primitive state, hatefulness and its associated deadly way of being, which veils the eternal light for the unfinished human being. We see how this veiling thins out and disappears as light or universal love gradually develops in the being in order finally to constitute the being's entire psyche and way of being. This sensory combination constitutes the primary set of senses of the higher worlds. This set of senses, in its totally, completely developed state, gives its originator permanent cosmic consciousness and individual, liberated, cosmic sovereignty. And the being has then, as already mentioned, become the finished human being in God's image after his likeness.
      All unfinished human beings the world over have access to experiencing in a more or less veiled way depending on their step in evolution the eternal truth, that is, the solution to the mystery of life, which is in turn the same as the experience of the all-penetrating, eternal originator of the universe, the eternal Godhead and his all-enlivening radiant profusion in culminating infinite wisdom, almightiness and universal love. The existence and presence of this culminating, all-enlivening flood of light of the Godhead in all existing living beings is dimmed or veiled for all beings to the degree that they are unfinished and controlled by darkness. This dimming or veiling of the eternal light is thus due to the beings' unfinished faculty for experiencing life, which here means their lack of intuition and the underdevelopment of their humane feelings or universal love.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth