The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
38.11  People's lack of intuition or a set of cosmic senses
Since people's intuition, which means the complex of faculties that give the human being its faculty for cosmic sensing, is still latent in the great majority, they cannot possibly experience the higher reality that exists behind physical life. And since they cannot experience behind physical life, how could they then accept knowledge and experiences that as yet lie outside their present sensory capacity? They must then stick to what they can experience with their still primitive emotions. With their intelligence they cannot possibly experience cosmic areas or details. They cannot actually experience anything physical whatsoever with their intelligence. Intelligence is not a sensory faculty, but an analytical one. With their intelligence they can analyse the details, experiences or spheres that they have been able to experience with their temporary sensory capacity. Since they have not been able to experience cosmic details or phenomena, they have no use for intelligence here. Where they can see neither details nor phenomena, there is nothing to analyse. And since the beings cannot experience details or phenomena from the spiritual or cosmic world, their intelligence cannot help them. The cosmic world lies thus outside the capacity of their sensory faculty. For this reason the majority of terrestrial human beings are as yet materialists and thereby atheists. They are thus, as previously mentioned, still illiterates as regards the spiritual or cosmic experience of life. But their mistaken way of being will unfailingly lead them forward. The result of the eating of the tree of knowledge absolutely does not fail to appear. God's plan does not stop half way. Every human being will unfailingly become a human being in God's image after his likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 38
The Human Being, and Animal and Vegetable Food