The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
38.10  Illiterates as regards cosmic knowledge
When people are so far from understanding that the gory massacre of living beings belongs to their as yet very primitive, animal and undeveloped way of being, it is a fact that their sense of feeling is as yet very underdeveloped. They cannot therefore feel how primitive and unnatural for the human being their conduct is. The human being in God's image after his likeness cannot of course be a being that vies with wild animals in murdering, killing and flaying the organisms of their animal victims and revels in their fried and cooked bodily parts: lungs, liver, kidneys, hearts and blood dishes, blood sausages and other sausages and so on. Imagine how many years of its terrestrial life such a destroyed animal has had to pay so that people for a single day's enjoyment of a "banquet" with other like-minded, animal-eating beings could eat its organism, its divine instrument for manifestation and experience of life! When people with such great relish live so "cannibalistically", we must still excuse them. For it is easy to see that their sensory structure is still very unfinished or undeveloped. Their feelings are still quite immune in this sphere. And even though their intelligence can certainly be very highly developed, and they can be experts at material science, they must all the same be regarded as illiterate as regards cosmic knowledge.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 38
The Human Being, and Animal and Vegetable Food