The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
36.10  The sensory culmination of living beings in the kingdoms of the spiral cycle
At the very top of the symbol we see the light and the darkness of the spiral cycle indicated as in symbol no. 35. Light constitutes the white area. Darkness is indicated by the area with the dark lines.
      In each of the areas of the various spiral kingdoms we see a figure in different colours and different sizes. These symbolise the sensory capacity of the living beings in each of these kingdoms or planes of existence. Each figure symbolises thus a living being. The white area with the triangle in the middle indicates its I and superconsciousness. The figure in the area of the plant kingdom symbolises with its round red-coloured part that the faculty of instinct is the highest sensory capacity of the plant being.
      The round figure in the area of the animal kingdom symbolises with its red- and orange-coloured area that the energies of instinct and gravity are the primary forces in the animal's sensory capacity, which is intended especially for promoting the killing principle. This also holds true far ahead in the unfinished human being's evolution.
      The three coloured parts of the round figure in the area of the human kingdom symbolise the energies of instinct, gravity and feeling. The latter energy has become intellectualised by intelligence and intuition, which are increasing, making feeling appear as universal love, which in turn constitutes the primary sensory capacity of the finished human being in God's image.
      The round figure in the area of the kingdom of wisdom symbolises that intelligence here forms the basis for wisdom as the primary energy of consciousness in the kingdom of wisdom, but of course in co-operation with other basic energies, depending on whether they are still in working order and not degenerated.
      The round figure in the kingdom of intuition or the divine world symbolises that the energy of intuition together with the still prominent energies of intelligence and universal love here constitutes the primary capacity of consciousness, while the energies of gravity and instinct exist here only in more or less latent forms. The being here is at life's very highest pinnacles of consciousness in the outer world, the world it shares with other beings in the same world.
      The round figure in the area of the kingdom of bliss symbolises here all the basic energies by means of the round, coloured fields, but these are now more or less in a latent or dormant state. Only the energy of memory is in full activity or at its culmination. It has here in the kingdom of bliss taken over the being's entire wakeful functioning of consciousness. But since this functioning gives the being only experiences of memory, and its sensory capacity in the outer world is asleep or latent, it thus now experiences its own inner world. But this experience is the very culmination of the experience of life. Here in the middle of its kingdom of bliss, which is the same as its own inner world, it experiences itself and its memories from the whole of the accomplished spiral cycle. This gigantic volume of memories, which, with its culminating faculty of memory, it now totally controls, together forms the memory image of its universe as experienced in the spiral cycle. It can go forwards and backwards in the periods of time of its memory world, and here relive all its terrestrial lives with their formation of fate in light and darkness. And, as we have already mentioned, the being lives here in this universe created by its memory as the all-outshining godhead and all-controlling originator of this universe. The son of God here on the spiral cycle's highest pinnacles in the light is permitted to experience itself as a godhead in its own universe. Can a godhead give his son a greater experience than letting him be a living gold copy of his divine eternal Father in his universe, which is maintained by universal love? This gold-copied image of the eternal Godhead and his universe constitutes the crowning glory of the transformation, which he himself has created, of the culminating devil-being of darkness into the culminating radiant being of light in his own image after his likeness copied in living gold. It is not so surprising that the eternal words "Everything is very good" have broken radiantly through the darkness of the millennia as a cosmic world impulse, which will now lead the Earth's mankind to receptivity to cosmic consciousness, which people know only by the concept "The Holy Spirit", but as yet do not know very much about in practical manifestation and behaviour.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 36
The Structure of Eternal Life