The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
The Sign of the Cross
Symbol no. 40
40.1  The solution to the mystery of life can be acquired only by way of a path that lies outside atheistic, materialistic research
The method of scientific research that has prevailed on Earth up to now, which in its final analyses results in "luminous matter", that is "stellar nebulae", "rays" and "waves", is embarking on a phase where it is beginning to have outplayed its role, its originator having now reached the outer periphery or limit of all physical matter. New, stronger optical instruments will only increase our view of stellar nebulae, and will therefore be quite unable to add anything to the revelation of the mystery of life itself, since the shining starry horizon of this matter constitutes the final dying rays of divine correspondence before it fades out of sight and becomes tantamount to the great void. Researching further along this path is not therefore possible, since we have reached the absolute end of the road here. The knowledge that scantily filters through here is like a solitary tuft of grass in a vast desert and amounts increasingly to nothing.
      But since life cannot exist unless on the basis of the experience of new knowledge, and since at the same time according to its cosmic analysis it is immortal, it is obvious here that there must be another way in which an unwavering continuation of the acquisition of new knowledge can take place or be evoked. This other way goes neither through the telescope nor the microscope, even though one of course cannot deny these factors their identity as indispensable, divine instruments for the guiding of science forward to the stage where this new way becomes the only key to the continued revelation of the solution to the riddle or most profound secret of life.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 40
The Sign of the Cross