The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life
Symbol no. 32
32.1  The Godhead and the unified analysis of the universe
We have now gone through the basic cosmic analyses of the universe, which, at the same time, are the solution to the mystery of life itself. We have divided these analyses into twelve basic answers and symbolised them in the symbol in such an order that they form the unified analysis that the entire universe in itself amounts to. Through life's own speech we will here show the seeker after truth the all-embracing, real, great truth of life: that one must love God above all things and one's neighbour as oneself; that the universe is one single great organism of a living being that exists under the concept of God; and that this Godhead, through this organism or universe, constitutes one single eternal and infinite being of light and love in which all living beings live and move and have their being. We will now, by means of the present symbol, go on to elucidate this all-outshining living being, this eternal all-containing universe and the mystery of life by means of physical and cosmic facts or eternal answers.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life