The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
The Eternal Godhead and the Sensory Abilities of Living Beings
Symbol no. 30
Explanation of symbol no. 30
30.1  In symbol no. 30 we symbolise the Godhead and the sensory abilities of living beings. Through the sensory abilities of living beings, which together constitute the sensory ability of the Godhead, we see how the Godhead, through this sensory ability, is able to create and maintain the various planes of existence. We know that this sensory ability, which means, creation and the experience of life, is promoted by six basic energies whose changing field of action is regulated by the mother energy, thereby maintaining the principle of the spiral cycle and of the planes of existence.
      The white figure with the rays up in the top right corner of the symbol indicates the I of the Godhead. The rays of this figure symbolise that the I of the Godhead consists of the combined I's of all existing living beings.
      Next to the white figure there are some violet-coloured figures symbolising the X2 or creative faculties of the living beings, which together constitute the X2 or creative faculty of the Godhead.
      Between these figures and the white edge with the flame figures the X3 of all existing living beings is symbolised, which is the same as their organisms and other created things, which in their turn together constitute the organism of the Godhead or the eternal universe. The symbol thus shows how the I of the Godhead consists of the I's of all living beings, and how the creative faculty of the Godhead consists of the creative faculties of all living beings, and that the organism of the Godhead consists of the organisms of all living beings, the mesocosmic ones as well as the microcosmic and the macrocosmic. The universe is thus the Godhead's visible body or organism, through which its invisible creative faculty and I are revealed as facts for the cosmically gifted observer.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 30
The Eternal Godhead and the Sensory Abilities of Living Beings