The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
30.9  By looking at the emanations from each of the kingdoms in the spiral cycle marked in the symbol we can see that the energy of bliss provides divine light and well-being in the inner world. The energy of intuition provides light and well-being in the divine world. The energy of intelligence provides light in the kingdom of wisdom, while intelligence and feeling create light in the real human kingdom. The human kingdom, the kingdom of wisdom, the divine world and the kingdom of bliss are thus exclusively kingdoms of light and joy, where life culminates in its very highest form of well-being, and where all beings are exclusively a joy and blessing for one another, thereby appearing in God's image after his likeness. Since the life forms of the plant kingdom have their day-consciousness mainly in the kingdom of bliss, it is thus in reality a kingdom of light too. This then leaves only the animal kingdom. It is true that it is the spiral cycle's zone of darkness. But since this zone is a vital necessity for the creation of the consciousness that will enable the beings, as human beings in God's image after his likeness, to experience the culminating regions of total light and bliss of the five other kingdoms of the spiral cycle, the animal kingdom or the zone of darkness can rightfully be regarded only as a joy and blessing for living beings too. Without the existence of this zone of darkness all creation of consciousness would be a total impossibility. So darkness, being a manifestation of love, is also part of the keynote of the universe.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 30
The Eternal Godhead and the Sensory Abilities of Living Beings