The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
30.8  After this we come to the final plane of existence in the present spiral cycle. We call it the kingdom of bliss. It is coloured light indigo. For the being this plane of existence is entirely an inner world. The fundamental sensory energy on this plane is the energy of memory. Here the being is thus wakefully day-conscious of its recollections from all the kingdoms or planes of existence in the spiral that it now, by way of the kingdom of bliss, is about to leave in order to enter a new cosmic spiral cycle. Here it leads a life isolated from the outer world. Here its abilities to sense in the outer world have degenerated and ceased. It can experience only memories. But since memories, the older they become, become more glorious in the light of transfiguration, it will be an ecstatic pleasure for the being to experience its memories from the regions of the entire spiral cycle that it has just passed. The being's entire collected sphere of memories is, of course, nothing less than a copy of the universe, such as the being has experienced it in the above-mentioned spiral cycle that it has just completed. In this living, recollected image of the universe the being lives. This image makes up its entire sphere of life-experience. It has no conscious connection with any other living being whatsoever. It lives entirely in its world of memory. Here it can relive all its previous experiences and can reproduce previously experienced times spent with dear friends. It lives here as a sovereign in its own world of memories. In this, its own sovereign world, it is allowed, so to speak, to experience itself as God in its own little universe. It is a symbolic experience of how the Godhead feels in his own great universe, with the difference, however, that the Godhead's universe consists of real living beings while the human being's universe, produced by memories, consists merely of copies of living beings and things. But nonetheless the experience in this being's own inner universe is the very highest bliss-inducing phenomenon in existence.
      The ray that emanates from the kingdom of bliss thus symbolises the energy of recollection or memory. We see that this too spans the entire spiral cycle and is the foundation for the beings' very highest experience of life in their inner world, namely the experience of themselves as a Godhead, each in their own universe glowing with culminating bliss.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 30
The Eternal Godhead and the Sensory Abilities of Living Beings