The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
27.7  The white area in the symbol that extends from step no. 6, the mineral kingdom, through step no. 1, the plant kingdom, and step no. 2, the animal kingdom, and touches the edge of step no. 3, the real human kingdom, symbolises the limit of unfinished terrestrial mankind's consciousness. The sphere of consciousness or knowledge of unfinished terrestrial mankind thus constitutes knowledge of merely the physical aspect of the mineral, plant and animal kingdom. The spiritual worlds, that is the real human kingdom, the kingdom of wisdom, the divine world and the kingdom of bliss, are very little known to the unfinished and as yet animal human beings. Unfinished mankind has thus in reality nothing but materialistic know ledge encompassing merely a knowledge of mineral, vegetable and animal matter. It has no absolutely realistic knowledge of the living being and its cosmic talents and structure, which shape and control physical matter. So it has in reality no knowledge of that which is "living" in living beings. It is familiar only with the organism or combination of substances that are shaped and controlled by "this living something". It is "this living something" that constitutes the I and its superconsciousness or the absolute "eternal something" behind every manifestation and creation. If God, through world redemption, did not give terrestrial mankind cosmic knowledge about the really living something behind all physical manifestation and creation, and thereby guided it, mankind would never be able to reach beyond the domain of the animal kingdom. But, with the development of humaneness and love, human beings are given the cosmic faculty of intuition. With this faculty the being will be able to experience and orientate itself in the spiritual or cosmic universe, which is the eternal foundation of life, while the physical side of this universe, as we have already seen in the above analyses, is merely illusory.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 27
The Cosmic Radiance of the Earth