The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
32.6  Star section no. 3
All existing processes of creation, all the manifestations of living beings and all the processes and movements of Nature can exist only in the form of this chain of cause and effect. On closer examination we see that this chain of cause and effect is logical, which means that it manifests itself in an ocean of creative processes that are ultimately a joy and a blessing for living beings. Are not the organisms of all living beings created phenomena that are a joy and a blessing for their originators? Is not every organ in these organisms likewise a joy and a blessing for the organism and its originator? Is not Nature's creation of the ripe fruits that are healthy food for living beings a joy and a blessing? Is not the light and warmth of the sun such a great joy and blessing for living beings that it is absolutely essential to their physical existence? But many of the creative processes of Nature are not complete. They cannot thus serve their purpose of being a joy and blessing for living beings. Terrestrial human beings are among those that belong to these still unfinished phenomena. Their mentality and way of being are still not so complete that they can be a perpetual joy and blessing for other living beings. This, of course, is the reason why darkness thrives among mankind. But the ultimate result of the creation of mankind will unfailingly be a joy and a blessing for each individual human being and therefore for the whole of mankind.
      Where the creative processes of Nature are ultimately a joy and a blessing for living beings, and where this creative faculty of Nature helps people's creative faculty and conduct towards their ultimately becoming a joy and a blessing for living beings, then the huge ocean of creation, brought to its unfolding by the creative faculty of the universe, can thus be nothing but a joy and a blessing for all existing living beings in the entire universe. The sign of the cross being the symbol of light and perfection, we have used it in the symbol to symbolise this all-outshining total perfection consisting of the combined creative process of the universe, which may be expressed as the creative processes and way of being of the Godhead. It was on this cross that Christ forgave his executioners, thereby revealing the culmination of love and the path for unfinished mankind to follow.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life