The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
29.6  The fact that twenty-five cosmic paths of life are drawn in the symbol absolutely does not indicate that only twenty-five of these paths exist. There are, of course, an infinite number of these paths in the universe. The twenty-five paths marked symbolise merely that there are many.
      We cannot go into more detail about these cosmic paths of life here; we can indicate merely that most of these make no contact with the Earth but with other planets and worlds in eternal space. And here they correspond to human species with structures and forms for living beings that occur in an ocean of variations of organisms, which are of a beauty and perfection that the unfinished terrestrial human being cannot conceive. But they all have in common the fact that they are human beings. Some of them are on their way to perfection, others have already reached this perfection and culminate in radiating God's almightiness, wisdom and love throughout the entire universe, still others are on their way into the darkness of a new spiral in order to experience the cosmic initiation and perfecting necessary to the experiencing of the Godhead's eternal existence, light and warmth, almightiness and love in still higher spirals and zones of life in the eternal universe. We see here that the words of Christ, "In my Father's house there are many mansions" hold true, just as we also see that it is naive to believe that the terrestrial human form is the only one in the universe through which the Godhead can reveal his image, his life, his mode of existence, his infinite wisdom, almightiness and all-outshining culminating love.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 29
Cosmic Paths of Evolution