The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
33.51  The one-poled beings or "Eve-beings"
As we now know, the animals are culminating as one-poled beings. They are absolutely not created to be able to live a totally perfect life. They cannot love their neighbour as they love themselves. They can love only beings of the opposite sex. The Bible terms this transformation of the beings into one-poled beings "the creation of Eve". The "Eve" of the Bible is, as our analyses have previously informed us, not a term for woman, but on the contrary solely a term for one-poled beings, which thus means, both male beings and female beings. Only through this constellation of the poles or this form of consciousness could "the Fall" or "the eating of the tree of knowledge" take place. And without this eating the beings could not possibly come to experience what is good and what is evil. And without the total experience of this they could not possibly become the human being in God's image after his likeness, which in turn means, the totally perfect being that can radiate love, joy and blessing to all around it. We see then too that it is not love that predominates in this kingdom of the animals. Through the one-poled organic structure the being is temporarily organically created to be able to feel attracted only to beings of the opposite sex. Beings of this sex constitute of course the object for its mating attraction and the act of copulation. But they cannot love beings of their own sex. On the contrary, they compete and fight with them. Here jealousy arises, which is the mother of all "evil" in the world: war, murder and killing, sorrows and sufferings or that which together constitutes what we call Armageddon or hell. There is thus no humaneness to speak of or any real manifestation of love in the animal kingdom beyond the animal mating attraction, the act of copulation and the protection of offspring. Beyond this sphere, the animal's sphere of attraction or sympathy, the animal kingdom is a hostile world where beings' physical organisms must also to a great extent serve as food for other beings. Thus figures nos. 3 and 4 at the bottom of the symbol symbolise the constellation of the poles in the male being and the female being in the animal kingdom's period of evolution.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33
Animal and Human Thought Climates
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33A
Registration of Symbol No. 33