The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
32.5  Star section no. 2
When we consider the above-mentioned "something" or universe, we see that it constitutes one single great ocean of cause and effect. This is symbolised in the symbol by the white figure with the repeated narrowings. The parts of the figure that are narrowed down to a point symbolise causes, while the widened areas symbolise effects. So here we have another unshakable answer. In reality there is absolutely no created thing that is not the effects of a cause, just as there are no effects that do not become causes. All created things exist solely as the effects of preceding causes. The whole field of movement, creation or the manifestation of energy, can then be divided into cause and effect. Since effects in their turn cannot exist without becoming the cause of new effects and so on, then the experience of life amounts to an experience of a chain of cause and effect. This second analysis of the mystery of life is therefore also an irrefutable fact.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life