The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
28.5  The large violet steps each symbolise a spiral cycle, that is an epoch of life-experience within which the beings experience the culmination of darkness and the culmination of light. If we take the middle spiral step we will see that it spans six coloured steps. From the colours we can see that the lowest step constitutes the plane of instinct or the plant kingdom. The next constitutes the plane of gravity or the animal kingdom, in which darkness culminates. The third kingdom constitutes the plane of feeling or the real human kingdom. The fourth constitutes the plane of intelligence or the kingdom of wisdom. The fifth constitutes the divine world or the plane of intuition. And the sixth constitutes the plane of memory or the kingdom of bliss. The latter four of these kingdoms are kingdoms of light, while the plane of gravity or the animal kingdom is the plane of darkness, which begins quietly in the last part of the plant kingdom. And so every spiral step contains the same structure and the same planes of existence, but in new variations. Eternal life is thus in reality fundamentally a road of light. The darkness that occurs exists only in order to define this road. If it did not occur no form whatsoever of experience or sensory perception could exist, and therefore no form whatsoever of experience of life or manifestation either.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 28
Eternal Life or the Ladder of Life