The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
33.46  The crucifixion of world peace
It is thus an all-outshining state of life, in the form of the double-poled state, that is beginning to develop in the unfinished terrestrial human being. Since this state, as previously mentioned, is only in infancy or being born, it cannot as yet be perfect or be the culmination of pleasantness or beauty. It is as yet merely a nebulous or misty state, even in the most advanced terrestrial human beings. It is therefore quite natural for the still strongly one-poled and, from a cosmic point of view, ignorant human being that this state must appear as an abnormality, as something perverse or sinful in the beings concerned. And it is just as natural that, in this ignorance or lack of wisdom, it acts upon its inherited animal antipathy towards the abnormal, or what it thinks is abnormal. This antipathy becomes the root of a greater or lesser crucifixion of beings in whom the double-poled state is beginning to emerge. And this emergence is highly inflammable fuel to the fire of slander or gossip. And the henchmen of slander now see to it that they make every slightly too warm handshake, every too mild glance or other form of caress between two people of the same sex that they happen to see become a huge sensation, complete with details and adjustments so that they can be swallowed raw by people whose favourite mental dish or favourite occupation is the promoting of degrading rumours or evil slander about their neighbours. And life can thereby become a life-destroying nightmare or a crucifixion for the being who is the subject of the slander. To this can then be added the total ignorance and mistaken perception of this particular area that the authorities and lawmakers of many countries display in their creation of laws about punishment for the first symptoms of this talent for love in the animal human being's consciousness. They thus oppose the incipient development of the talent for love in the human beings who will abolish war and make eternal peace a daily way of being. Concurrent with this murderous effort against, or crucifixion of, the first incipient shoots of divine universal love in the unfinished human being, billions of kroner* are spent on lethal, disabling and mutilating war equipment, and the lives and health of millions of people are sacrificed at the front in the belief that this is the road to peace. But how could there be peace in the world as long as people, in their total lack of understanding and hatred or intolerance, persecute the development of the talent for love, and despise and stamp as outcasts, as perverse, as abnormal, indeed, even as criminals those people in whom the talent for universal love or the double-poled state begins to be apparent? That this crucifixion of incipient neighbourly love has not taken place without leaving its mark on the double-poled human beings is a matter of course. Since up to now there has been no real cosmic guidance or information in this mental field, it must naturally remain a mystery. The beginnings of this new development in people could therefore create only confusion, misunderstanding and superstition. For this reason this new development, as previously mentioned, had to give way to a great array of derailments, sexual disorders, perversities, sadism and so on. But the development of universal love cannot be stopped. The sources of love or the double-poled human beings are becoming more numerous. Neither punishment, intolerance nor gossip can hinder God's plan, God's creation of the human being in his image after his likeness, the creation of the Christmas gospel's peace on Earth or the ensuing great goodwill to all men, that is, the release of the culminating highest fire or the radiant glory of God's spirit between one human being and another. And therefore the crucified human being will arise from the kingdom of the dead, from the sphere of darkness, embraced by God and radiating eternal light on all sides.
* Translator's note: A krone (crown) is a Danish monetary unit.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33
Animal and Human Thought Climates
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33A
Registration of Symbol No. 33