The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
33.45  How the culmination of darkness becomes a divine initiation of the being
It is precisely the previously mentioned manifestation of a life with human talents without love that turns the culmination of darkness into an initiation of the living being. How could this being without the actual experience of the culmination of darkness attain the ability to display wisdom, intellect and love? And how could these phenomena come into existence, and remain so, without being a result of darkness? The experience of darkness is thus a prerequisite for the creation of the wise, intellectual and loving consciousness that is demanded in order that the being can appear as a human being in God's image after his likeness. Darkness is therefore, in its most profound analysis and in spite of everything, a divine blessing. This is why in our cosmic analyses we have called it "the unpleasant good". And furthermore it can serve as an encouragement that darkness's epoch of culmination spans only one sixth of the entire area of a spiral cycle. Within this sixth the creation of the being in God's image after his likeness is completed. It can then as a radiant Christ-being continue its existence in the highest kingdoms of the spiral cycle in culminating universal love, wisdom and bliss for an epoch of time that is five times longer than the epoch of its passage through the sphere of darkness. And since this latter passage, as previously mentioned, is essential for the creation of the totally perfect human or Christ consciousness, without which the experience of culminating universal love, wisdom and bliss in the highest worlds of light would be totally impossible, the eternal words about God's creation, "Everything is very good", here become absolute reality or fact for the advanced researcher.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33
Animal and Human Thought Climates
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33A
Registration of Symbol No. 33