The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
33.44  Devil-consciousness
The killing principle continues as the foundation of life well up into the being's epoch of life after it has begun to appear as a human. And here its killing nature has certainly not diminished. By virtue of the opposite pole's development of the human gift of intelligence, and as a consequence of humane feelings that are still very feeble or totally lacking, this incipient human being's ability to kill was multiplied. With its incipient human talent it attained to being able to wipe out entire cities and their millions of inhabitants and cultural assets within seconds with special weapons. So the evolution of the poles raised the being from the state of the animal. It had now begun to be another being. It was no longer an animal, but it had not yet become a real human being in God's image after his likeness either. It was in reality now as far removed from this divine state of being as it could be. It was now so ingeniously gifted in favour of darkness that it could trigger off the culmination of Armageddon, a deadly blazing hell with mutilation, torment and pain, death and ruin for millions upon millions of people. Can the situation of this being of culminating darkness display or indicate anything whatsoever other than precisely that which the Bible calls "the devil", "Satan" or "the Evil One"? We have thus here before us the culmination of darkness. It is the culmination of human talents without love.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33
Animal and Human Thought Climates
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33A
Registration of Symbol No. 33