The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
33.42  The one-poled state can give rise only to the principle of "Every man for himself"
Since the unfinished human is a being in whom the opposite pole, that is the feminine pole in the man and the masculine in the woman, is developing, and the being is thus an incipient double-poled being, its daily life and way of being is a corresponding mixture of one-poled and double-poled manifestations. The unfinished human being occurs therefore neither in a purely one-poled nor purely double-poled state. But it is certainly not difficult to distinguish between one-poled and double-poled manifestations. The state of being in love, of copulating or of marriage plus affection for offspring is, as previously mentioned, the only sphere of light in the one-poled state. Outside this sphere it is not possible to love one's neighbour as oneself. Indeed, the being cannot even love its spouse as it loves itself. Marital or mating attraction is to the very highest extent based on the couple being in love with one another. In situations where this is not the case, where one of the partners abandons the other, bitterness, anger and hatred can arise between them, indeed, even deadly hostility. Being in love is thus egoistic in nature. It gives only in order to take or in order to own the other. The one-poled state definitely does not give rise to absolute love, this being "rather to give than to receive". It is true that an animal sometimes risks its life to defend its offspring, and this is a very admirable expression of the animal's extraordinarily great affection for its offspring. But this affection is absolutely not universal love; it is not an affection that the animal, unlike Christ or the finished human being in God's image, can bestow on everyone and anyone. This is not its mission either. As to the animal's one-poled organic structure it, as we already know, can feel attracted only to mating and marriage, a feeling that extends only to a being of the opposite sex and its offspring. Over and above this comes then its feeling for other beings, animals and people. This feeling is very primitive as long as the animal is still almost purely one-poled, which means, in its first primitive epoch of life as a human being. This primitive feeling promotes the principle of "Every man for himself".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33
Animal and Human Thought Climates
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 33A
Registration of Symbol No. 33