The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
32.4  Star section no. 1
The twelve basic answers that comprise the solution of the mystery of life are each symbolised by one of the star figure's twelve numbered sections. Each section symbolises, therefore, one of the basic answers to the mystery of life. Star section no. 1 symbolises the first answer to the mystery of life. It constitutes the universe itself, that is, everything that exists at all. We see from the colours that it symbolises the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom and the other kingdoms in the spiral cycle, as well as the mother energy (the violet colour) and the I's of the living beings, symbolised by the white triangle at the top of this star section.
      So every living being is face to face with the universe itself. It is influenced by this universe and responds to it in turn. As it is thus a fact that the universe exists and constitutes everything that exists, we have to regard it as "something that is". It cannot be taken away. So this analysis is quite unshakable. To deny its correctness is to deny one's own existence.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life