The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
31.4  The beings do not understand this limitation of their sensory capacity by the evolutionary steps described here. They each believe that they sense and experience the universe from the same point of view, that is from the same step in evolution. And there is no one who wishes to believe or admit to standing on a lower step of evolution than his or her neighbour. For this reason most unfinished human beings fight to maintain or argue their point of view or their view of life as the absolutely true or one and only salvation. And we have thus here the foundation of all intolerance, war and suffering. Before people have understood that they are on different steps in evolution and can therefore have only the view of the universe or the perception of life that is accessible through the sensory capacity pertaining to their step, real, lasting and absolute world peace will be an impossibility on Earth. But gradually, as people attain to becoming finished human beings, receive cosmic consciousness and become God's image after his likeness, they become able to experience the absolute world picture in its entirety. And here they see among other things all unfinished human beings' various views of life and ways of being as working details in God's liberation of mankind from the night-black spheres of suffering associated with darkness and devil-consciousness to spheres of light and love in a culmination of bliss.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 31
The Sensory Faculty of the Living Being and the Steps in Evolution