The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
29.4  It is on this foundation that all creation of organisms, all manifestation and all experience of life is based. But the finished and totally perfect physical human organism is not the same for all existing finished human beings. The organism is a created phenomenon and is a result of the particular evolutionary line or path that its originator has followed in the relevant spiral cycle. Here too on Earth there are thus various evolutionary paths for living beings. The insects thus become finished human beings by entirely different evolutionary paths than the terrestrial human being. On these latter paths there are social systems that are well organised for their individuals and so conducive to their life that they are not inferior to certain primitive terrestrial human societies. This thus means that they have just as much right to be called unfinished "human societies" as the above-mentioned terrestrial human societies. Being the totally perfect human being in God's image after his likeness does not thus mean that the being absolutely has to have a physical organism that is formed in precisely the same way as the perfect terrestrial human being's physical organism. But even though the organisms of the finished mankinds are unlike one another they have, however, in common the fact that they each constitute a totally perfect tool for the manifestation and experience of cosmic consciousness.
      There is thus in the universe or cosmos an infinity of mankinds from quite other cosmic paths of life than that of terrestrial mankind. The beings from these mankinds have of course structures and organisms that are quite different to those of terrestrial mankind's beings, depending on how their evolutionary paths differ from the evolutionary path of terrestrial mankind. The organisms of these foreign mankinds will thus have other structures and forms according to the divergence of their evolutionary paths' physical and astronomical circumstances from the physical and astronomical circumstances that terrestrial mankind's evolutionary path has passed through. Just as terrestrial mankind's organisms are built up as vitally necessary tools for experiencing life and for manifesting in a way suited to the astronomical and other vitally necessary circumstances on Earth, so too are human organisms from other inhabited planets built up as vitally necessary tools for the astronomical circumstances and vital conditions that the beings from these other planets have had to live under. But even if the beings differ in the way their organisms are built up, they will all without exception, through their manifestation and mode of existence, ultimately reveal themselves as totally perfect beings, that is, as human beings in God's image after his likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 29
Cosmic Paths of Evolution