The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
27.4  The slightly lighter aura around the two auras mentioned here represents the general terrestrial atmosphere showing a mixture of religious and materialistic thought climates, a mixture of the good and evil that radiates from mankind. This mixture of the aura symbolises thus the effects of animal and human thought climates. It constitutes the present cultural standard of the Earth. The dark aura, the animal mode of existence and the animal thought climate are thus decreasing as mankind evolves. To the degree that the animal side of mankind's nature declines, the human aura, that is the white area in the symbol, will spread and fill the entire picture. And mankind will then have become perfect. And the Earth will have become an absolutely totally perfect human planet, a shining and warming residence for beings in God's image after his likeness, a domicile of love in star-filled eternal space.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 27
The Cosmic Radiance of the Earth