The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
32.3  Around the star we see in the symbol an orange-coloured area forming the outermost edge of the symbol. This symbolises the domain of the energy of gravity, the killing principle or darkness. There then follows a figure with a green area symbolising intelligence together with a yellow area symbolising feeling. These two energies of consciousness are welded together in the symbol to form a unit signifying intellectualised feeling, which is the same as love. So this yellow and green area symbolises light, while the orange-coloured area symbolises darkness.
      In addition to the yellow and green area symbolising love, as we have just mentioned, it also symbolises in the present symbol the two great, main organs of the highest fire: the masculine pole and the feminine pole. The green-coloured area thus symbolises the masculine pole and the yellow-coloured area symbolises the feminine pole. Together these two poles form the foundation for the creation of darkness and light in the spiral cycle.
      As we see in the symbol the masculine pole (the green area) predominates very much in relation to the feminine pole (the yellow area), which forms merely the narrow edge around the green area. We call beings that have this ratio "male beings", just as we call beings that have the opposite ratio "female beings". So male and female beings are those in which only one of the two poles is functioning fully. We describe them therefore as "one-poled" beings. Since the ultimate result of the beings' evolution is the double-poled state, they must be considered unfinished beings to the same degree as they are one-poled.
      The central figure in the middle of the star symbolises the double-poled being. The innermost round yellow and green figure symbolises the being's ordinary pole, which means, the masculine pole in the male being and the feminine pole in the female being. Around this pole in the symbol we see another yellow and green ring-shaped area. This symbolises the being's opposite pole, which means, the feminine pole in the man and the masculine pole in the woman. We can see from the colours that the masculine and the feminine principles have fused together forming a harmonious, balanced unit. So the being is no longer specifically male nor specifically female. It is now the totally perfect, double-poled being, which in turn means, that it has become a finished human being in God's image after his likeness. It has permanent, total cosmic consciousness and is now part of God's primary consciousness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life