The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
31.3  The steps on the staircase figure on the right of the symbol symbolise ordinary human steps in evolution. When they are symbolised here it is in order to show how illogical and foolish it is to be intolerant. The white triangle we see on one of the steps in the symbol symbolises a living being. The ray that emanates from this living being towards the cone shape, which symbolises the universe, symbolises this being's sensory perception from the step in question. The being, through its sensory perception on this step, comes to see the universe in a perspective particular to this sensory perception. That the unfinished or primitive human being perceives this perspective as true reality is naturally a matter of course. It has therefore difficulty in understanding the view of the universe of those people on steps in evolution above and below them, since their view is given perspective by these steps. That these perspectives have to differ, since they are not seen from the same viewpoint or step on the ladder of evolution, is a matter of course. This therefore gives rise to great misunderstanding, aversion, intolerance and conflict between unfinished human beings on the various steps in evolution. Each believes that their particular view of the universe is the totally unshakable, perfect one, and that the other people's views are wrong. They do not yet understand that they are on different steps in evolution and therefore cannot possibly see the universe from the same perspective. Not until the being attains cosmic consciousness and is a finished human being in God's image is it able to see the entire ladder of evolution with its many steps and their residents, and see that the latter have of necessity to differ in spirit and way of thinking because their sensory capacities differ on the various evolutionary steps on which they find themselves. The unfinished human being must therefore learn to understand that its neighbour's perception of life or view of the universe can be formed and limited only by the sensory capacity this neighbour temporarily possesses. And this is in turn limited by the step of the ladder of evolution that the being is on.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 31
The Sensory Faculty of the Living Being and the Steps in Evolution