The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
30.3  The previously mentioned rays that emanate from every step in the step figure on the left symbolise the energies of the beings' sensory abilities, these energies in turn constituting the six basic energies. We see that from the red step, which symbolises the plant kingdom, a red ray emanates. This indicates the plant being's most dominant sensory energy, that is, the energy of instinct. By means of this energy the plant being can vaguely sense pleasantness and unpleasantness. It cannot analyse or in any way whatsoever understand what this pleasantness or unpleasantness is. But it can begin to feel attracted to what is pleasant and open itself to this, just as it can feel repelled by that which is unpleasant. It can open itself to the warming effect of the sun and close itself against the coldness of the night. Through the energy of instinct the organisms for all plant life forms are created and developed quite automatically. Through the influence of this cold and warmth and other external influences such as those of the animals and the human beings, and Nature's influences in the form of drought and rain, the being's talent kernels for forming an organism from a previous spiral cycle are caused to grow. And through this influence over thousands of years the plant develops an individual organism by virtue of which it gradually becomes an animal.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 30
The Eternal Godhead and the Sensory Abilities of Living Beings