The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
30.2  On the left of the symbol we see a figure made up of steps. It symbolises the eternal ladder of evolution. Every step is a plane of existence, which consists of living beings. This is marked by the white triangle on a level with each plane of existence, a triangle that signifies the I of the living being. The colours indicate to which basic energy plane each step of the ladder of evolution belongs. From the lowest red step on the ladder of evolution up to the indigo-coloured step we have a spiral cycle with its six kingdoms or planes of existence. We see that from each of these steps or planes of existence some rays emanate. These rays touch the figure on the right, which symbolises the universe. These rays represent the being's energies for manifesting and experiencing. With these energies the being thus influences the energies of the universe, which means, the unfoldment of energy of those in its surroundings, that is the mode of existence or unfoldment of life of human beings, animals and plants. The reaction arising from this constitutes the experience of life or the fate of the beings in question. The mentality of the beings on each step is furthered mostly by the basic energy that is culminating in the plane of existence or kingdom in question. Thus the vital connection between the living being's I and the universe or Godhead is determined by the dominant basic energy on the plane of existence on which the being is temporarily situated.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 30
The Eternal Godhead and the Sensory Abilities of Living Beings