The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
32.15  Star section no. 12
The previous sections of symbol no. 32 have now made us familiar with eleven connected basic analyses. We have seen that each of these is an unshakable principle in the structure of the universe or life. We see that these principles, which are facts for the advanced researcher, confirm the immortality of the living being, the formation of its fate, the renewal of its eternal ability to experience life, and the animal kingdom or the zone of darkness as a vital necessity for experiencing all-outshining light in the five other kingdoms of the spiral cycle. We also realised that the movement in the spiral cycle from darkness to light, and again to darkness and light, is promoted by the principle of hunger and satiation, a principle that is not merely physical, but is very much a spiritual or cosmic principle too, without which all experience and manifestation of life would be impossible both for the Godhead and the living beings. Without hunger there would be no satiation, and without satiation there would be no experience at all, because experience and satiation, from a cosmic point of view, are identical. Every experience satiates. One cannot go on seeing the same theatre performance every evening without becoming satiated. The same is true of any other experience when it is repeated often enough. We have also seen that the solution to the mystery of life establishes as fact for the advanced researcher or cosmic observer that love is the keynote of the universe and that loving God above all things and one's neighbour as oneself is the absolutely only way to the light, to cosmic consciousness, to the real, fundamental personal experience of the Godhead himself. The basic answers further reveal to us: that just as we are a living macrocosmos for the myriads of living beings that experience life in our organism, so are we also microbeings in a greater organism that constitutes a macrocosmos for us; that in these two cosmoses we have the body of God both inside us and outside us; and that it is through these two cosmoses that the being, as a mesocosmic being, is physically and spiritually connected to God. And it is this kinship with the Supreme Being that makes the living being a real son of God who, as a mesocosmic being, can experience and observe the eternal Godhead both above and below, both inside and outside itself. But the son of God, that is the living being, does not merely experience and observe its eternal originator; it gains from this experience and observation the personal ability to manifest or create. Since its ability to manifest and create is exclusively a result of its experience and observation of the Godhead's manifestation or creation, and since the ultimate results of this creation are without exception a joy and a blessing for living beings, then the emergence of the living being's ability to manifest and create, and thereby its way of being, could not possibly be anything other than ultimately a joy and a blessing for living beings. This divine, ultimate result of creation, that is the evolution of the living being's mode of existence, makes it a "human being in God's image after his likeness".
      We have seen here that with an understanding of the twelve basic answers the mystery of life is no longer a mystery, which life never intended it to be either. The Godhead has prepared these cosmic analyses for the advanced seeker after truth or for any other being whatsoever that hungers for the solution to the mystery of life as nourishment for love based on a foundation of intellectuality or logic. And with this nourishment the human being will become a growing cosmic light. It will become more and more a shining and warming sun for its surroundings. This is what the solar figure in star section no. 12 symbolises. Here the human being has become one with God. It has attained cosmic consciousness. And in the radiant glory of God's spirit the being sparkles, shines upon and warms those who are evil and good, just and unjust, primitive and intellectual. It melts and undermines the icebergs of war in the human mind and prepares the way for flowery meadows and summer days of peace in the regions of the being's consciousness and its way of being. Here the "prodigal son" has returned to his father. And God walks once more with Adam in the Garden of Eden. The being's alternating passage through the light and dark spheres of the spiral cycles guarantees an eternal renewal of its ability to manifest and experience life. And it here becomes apparent that the living being in "God's image after his likeness" is identical with immortality, eternity and infinity.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life