The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
32.14  Star section no. 11
The solution to the mystery of life contains also a key to how the fate of beings is formed. Terrestrial human beings are still very far from understanding that their fate is the effect of their own way of being. Every course of action is a combination of various movements. It can be love just as well as it can be hate. And the law of karma insists that what a human being sows, so shall it also reap, and that we must do unto others what we would have them do unto us. So this is also a confirmation of the eternal words: "It is more blessed to give than to receive". The law of karma will ultimately make the mode of existence of all living beings a joy and a blessing for everything that is alive. Unless the being's mode of existence becomes like this, the being cannot possibly be in God's image after his likeness. But for the advanced or cosmically conscious researcher it is a fact that everything is led in the direction of becoming a joy and a blessing for living beings.
      How is it then that what a living being does to other beings returns to itself and forms its fate? It does so by every action manifested by a living being creating in its mental structure a predisposition for exactly the same action. If it was a good action, the being becomes predisposed to a corresponding good action. If it was an evil action the being becomes predisposed to a corresponding evil action. It is not just that the being becomes predisposed to the action. The action itself consists of a combination of energies formed in the structure of the action. This combination of energies, transformed into movement, moves in cycles like all other combinations of energies and movements. This cycle emanates from its originator and returns to its originator. On its return it provokes the same action in relation to the originator as the one it was an effect of. So here the being reaps the consequences of the action it committed against its neighbour, whether this neighbour be animal or human being, whether it be an evil action or a good one. The cosmic structure of the being renders it incapable of experiencing anything whatsoever that it was not the first provoking cause of. It cannot thus be subjected to any kind of suffering that is more or less painful than the suffering it causes. So it is absolutely the master of its own fate. No being will thus be able to suffer injustice or inflict injustice. If injustice could really be manifested, the universe would be chaos, if it could exist at all, and the Godhead would be neither almighty, infinitely wise nor all-loving. The law of fate, "What a man sows, so shall he also reap", is thus one of the eternal and unshakable principles of the universe. This is the fact that remains after beings have experienced the effects of the sufferings that, through their mode of existence, they have inflicted on other living beings.
      In star section no. 11 we see a triangle. As usual this means a living being. From the right side of this triangle we see a circular path emanating, a circular path that again connects with the left side of the triangle. This symbolises the law of karma or fate. It symbolises that what one does to one's neighbour one does to oneself. The effects of a being's actions move in cycles and so return to their originator (see also symbols nos. 18, 19 and 20). Each living being is therefore unshakably the absolutely one and only true originator of its own fate.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life