The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
32.12  Star section no. 9
When we are told that "we live, and move, and have our being" in the Godhead, an unshakable fact is being set forth. We know already that our organism is a miniature universe. It is a residence for myriads of microbeings that experience and create their lives within it, at the same time as these small beings are essential to the existence of the organism, which is a tool for its source's creation and experience of life. Thus we each become a macrobeing for our microbeings. But is it not just as unshakable a fact that we ourselves are microbeings in a gigantic organism? If it is not an organism, what is it then? Is not the profusion of creative processes that occurs around us, which we call "Nature", the vital functioning of a macrobeing? How could this manifestation of Nature or its logical processes of creation, which constitute movement, be something lifeless? Is it not evident to the developed researcher that these processes of creation are ultimately a joy and a blessing for living beings? Movement is after all the unshakable characteristic of life. How could something dead be the source of movement? Something absolutely dead must be absolute stillness. In its primordial analysis no movement can come into existence unless by virtue of something living. Just as the microbeings of our physical organism live in this organism of ours, so do we live as microbeings in the organism of a macrocosmic being. Our macrobeing in the first instance is the Earth, which is a living being. And this in turn is an organ in the solar system, which is an organ in the milky-way system, which yet again is an organ in a still larger system of organisms, and so on within the infinite and eternal organism that we call the "universe". The I's of all the living beings in existence together constitute the I of this all-embracing organism. This I thus constitutes the I of the universe, while the universe constitutes the living organism of this I. As the living being, consisting of this organism and this I, constitutes everything that exists, it must be the absolutely only living being of its kind in existence. It differs from all other living beings in that it is not any microbeing in a macrobeing, as they are. Absolutely all existing living beings exist as microbeings in this being. It thus becomes apparent here that this living being, having the entire universe as its organism and all the living beings' I's and mentality as its I and consciousness, can be only the eternal Godhead who has been sought for and worshipped at all times in various forms and at various stages of evolution. And thus we understand now why this Godhead must inevitably be almighty, omniscient and all-loving, and that we must inevitably live, move and have our being in him.
      In star section no. 9 we see triangles within triangles. This symbolises the principle of "beings within beings". The triangle symbolises, as we already know, the triune principle, which each living being represents. So "beings within beings" expresses the main principle in the body of the Godhead. By virtue of this divine principle we all enjoy the divine blessing of being microbeings within the organism of a macrobeing, which for us is a radiant, sunlit world that, with the splendour of its entire nature, grants us all possibilities and conditions for developing ourselves and for becoming human beings in God's image after his likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life