The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
32.10  Star section no. 7
With this, the I of the living being, we have arrived at the explanation of the universe's vast ocean of movement. We have arrived at the innermost cause of all types of movement, all creative processes and all ways of experiencing. Star section no. 2 has already shown us that this ocean of movement is a chain of cause and effect. Besides being movement, this chain of cause and effect has proved to consist of logical processes of creation and experience. Since experience cannot possibly take place without there being a "something" that experiences, and since logical creation, which is the same as planned creation, cannot take place either without there being a "something" that makes plans, then the existence of this "something" is here established as fact. This "something" is thus the originator of movement, of the planning of logical creation, or of the very manifestation and experience of life. So here we have arrived at that "something" that experiences and manifests life. But this "something" is, as will be remembered, our own innermost self or I. One cannot possibly explain away the fact that all the I's from the microcosmos, the mesocosmos and the macrocosmos together constitute the "something" that is the absolute originator of the infinite ocean of movement of the entire universe, this universe's appearance as an infinite chain of cause and effect, its appearance as manifestation and experience of life and its unveiling as a consciousness and an organism for an all-embracing living being within which we all live, move and have our being. The I's of all the living beings, and the gigantic I they combine to form, thus constitute the absolute, sole cause of the experience of life and creation. But it differs from all other causes in that it is not in itself a result of previous effects. It thus constitutes a causeless cause. Not having been created but constituting the creator itself, it has existed eternally and will therefore also continue to exist eternally.
      In star-section no. 7 we see this causeless cause symbolised by a white triangle. This indicates the "something" that constitutes the I of the living beings and that, together with all the other I's in the universe, constitutes the originator and ruler of this universe. We see that some violet rays are emanating from this I. They symbolise this nameless something's faculty to create and experience. By virtue of this it maintains the created chain of cause and effect. This is symbolised here in star section no. 7 between the two coloured areas. The latter symbolise the basic energy kingdoms of the spiral cycle.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 32
The Twelve Basic Answers or the Solution to the Mystery of Life