The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3
Eternal Life or the Ladder of Life
Symbol no. 28
28.1  The eternal experience of life
Through the above we have already experienced that living beings are eternal, and that their experience of life is an eternal reality. Here we have symbolised this, the living beings' eternal experience of life. We have seen it in previous symbols as spiral cycles within which we found involution and evolution as well as a culmination of darkness and a culmination of light. And we saw that the experience of life continued on and on through cosmic spiral cycles without end. We witnessed how the beings on this eternal course of life came to form microcosmoses, macrocosmoses and mesocosmoses for one another, so determining each others' eternal existence or experience of life all the way through this eternal passage of life, where the being's unfoldment of its sets of senses and ability to manifest, or its collected experience of life, is felt as a road going upwards to higher and higher planes of existence and forms of life.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 28
Eternal Life or the Ladder of Life