The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
The Perfect Human Kingdom of the Future
Symbol no. 26
26.1  What it is that has brought mankind to the incipient stage of neighbourly love
We have now come so far in our analyses of the evolution of mankind that we can go on to explain the divine ultimate result, which is God's goal for the physical existence of mankind. For an ocean of time, thousands and thousands of years, people have sighed and groaned about the darkness of suffering that, with their very primitive and selfish or more or less animal way of being, they have brought upon themselves. We know that they find themselves on a very long ladder of evolution from the ape-man to the materially highly-developed civilised human being of today, quite apart from the evolution that they underwent previously during their passage through the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. Being able to have a totally perfect experience of life demands the ability to fulfil the laws on which a totally perfect experience of life is based. We now know why darkness or suffering exists, and that it is merely the effect of mistaken interaction with life around us; whether it be with Nature, animals or human beings. And it is the experience of an ocean of sufferings in the many physical terrestrial lives of this entire long epoch of evolution that has caused and brought about the knowledge, the talents, the way of being and the neighbourly love that people can manifest today.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 26
The Perfect Human Kingdom of the Future