The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
The Karma of Mankind
Symbol no. 25
25.1  Unfinished mankind
We became familiar above with the fact that on Earth mankind is divided up into nations or states. As this particular mankind is still unfinished or imperfect, these states are populated with unfinished human beings, which in turn means people who still have animal tendencies and to a greater or lesser extent incipient human tendencies. Since the human tendencies in the great majority of people are still very feeble, while the animal tendencies connected to them through traditions dating back thousands of years, strongly dominate their way of being, the nations or states consisting of these people will therefore to a corresponding degree be "animal" in their manifestations and way of being. People cannot yet live up to the laws and traditions of the really human way of being that the world redeemers have provided them with and guided them towards. The states do not put their sword in its sheath, despite the fact that their religions tell them that all they that take the sword will perish with the sword. It has not universally become the case either that they love their enemies and bless them that curse them (see Matt. 5:44). Of the seventy times seven times that one should forgive one's neighbour many have difficulty in forgiving even once.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 25
The Karma of Mankind