The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1
Symbol no. 21
21.1  The animal's cry of terror
Built into the psyche of living beings there is an organic phenomenon that makes them cry for light when darkness reaches a peak in their destiny. This "cry" begins in the cry of terror of the more highly developed animals when they are in immediate danger of losing their lives. This cry is in principle an alarm call indicating danger, a cry for help. But to whom is this cry directed? The predator that is attacking an animal is totally immune to its victim's cry of terror. Indeed, even the human being – the hunter, the angler and the butcher – is just as immune to the cries of his victims or any other indication of the terror of death of these animals. Members of the same race as the animals that are condemned to death cannot as a rule help their fellow beings in distress. They usually flee in order not to endanger themselves. Nonetheless those animals that have the ability to do so utter this cry of death when they are in immediate danger of losing their lives.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 21
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1